Capture and Control of CNC Oil Mist: Success of FumeKiller® model FK2000DPEM


The FumeKiller® finds use across a variety of applications. One of these is as an oil mist collector and on multiple occasions, the FumeKiller® has proven its mettle as an effective and efficient filtration system. In this post, we dive into one such project where the FumeKiller® was successfully implemented as an oil mist collector.

The Challenge: Control of Oil Mist Generated from CNC Machining Process.

The customer, a well known and established player in the manufacturing industry was facing a common issue faced when using CNC machines – Oil Mist.

The customer’s process involved use of neat cutting oil and the mist generated from the machining process would escape into the shopfloor when the doors to the CNC machine was opened after completion of the process. This led to the following issues:

  • Reduction in air quality within the shopfloor along with a possibility of oil mist settling within gaps of other machines and potentially cause critical systems failures.
  • Released oil mist also meant loss of usable neat cutting oil which would accumulate over time.

Any solution provided to the customer would need to be designed with all the above problems in mind and effectively solve each issue.

The Solution: Single FumeKiller® model FK2000EPEM mounted close to the CNC machine.

While the primary problem of air pollution was straightforward, the secondary issues needed to be addressed as well. After a thorough study of the workspace, the solution we proposed was to mount a FumeKiller® model FK2000DPEM near the CNC machine. The unit would be mounted on a groutable pipe stand at height greater than the CNC machine itself and the extracted oil mist could be reclaimed from the FumeKiller® drain point. The advantages of this proposed solution were as follows:

  • Mist Evacuation Methodology: The solution made use of the concept of evacuating the entire volume of air within the CNC machine within a certain time frame, usually 5 seconds, before the doors were opened after completion of the process. This way, the generated oil mist, which would also be evacuated out of the machine would not get released into the shopfloor.
  • Dual Pass Filtration: For applications involving oil mist, the filtration system needs to be equipped with two separate filters positioned one after the other to ensure a higher efficiency of filtration. Using the dual-pass system, the filtration efficiency would go up from 95 – 97% to 98 – 99%, which would imply that the air released into the shopfloor after filtration would be even more clean.
  • Collection of Filtered Oil: The FumeKiller® unit used electrostatic filter modules from which the oil particles would flow down as they accumulate. The filtered oil can then be reclaimed from the drain point provided on the unit itself and reused later.

Results and Impact:

The implementation of the FumeKiller® was a success which allowed for multiple benefits to our client:

Improvement in Air Quality: The complete volume of air within the CNC machines, which would include the generated oil mist, was being evacuated before the doors were opened and therefore, with no release of oil mist into the shopfloor, it resulted in a significant improvement in the air quality.

Operational Efficiency: The FumeKiller® model FK2000DPEM is a single oil mist collector unit that was equipped with a dual-pass filtration system, allowing for greater efficiency of filtration and therefore, even cleaner air being released into the shopfloor.

Cost Savings: Because the filtered oil could be collected and reused, the neat cutting oil for the process was more efficiently and economically used, which resulted in a direct reduction in operational costs.

Regulatory Compliance: The successful implementation of the FumeKiller® as an oil mist collector resulted in the customer meeting the required air quality standards within the shopfloor.


This project is another example of the capability of the FumeKiller® and its effectiveness as an oil mist collector. With the variety of applications that the FumeKiller® is able to be implemented in, it is safe to say that it is probably one of the most effective air pollution control system available today. If you have a requirement for a fume extraction or oil mist collection system, get in touch with us today and we will work with you to design the best possible solution.

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Application of FumeKiller® as an Oil Mist Collector

At site, 8no.s of CNC machines in a row had to be provided with suitable mist collectors. All CNC machines generated mist / fumes from neat cutting oil which had to be captured and the pollutants in the fumes are to be filtered effectively. 

Our FumeKiller®, electrostatic filters are well-suited to capture and control fumes generated during machining processes in CNC machines. These fume extractors can be used for the control of oil mist (neat cutting oil) as well as coolant mist (water-based coolant). Lower suction capacity fume extractors (FumeKiller®) can be installed for individual CNC machines. In case of multiple CNC machines larger capacity fume extractors can be installed along with suitable ducting to capture and route the generated fumes from the CNC machines to the oil mist collector (FumeKiller®). For neat cutting oil fumes, we always recommend Dual-pass electrostatic filters to provide high-efficiency filtration of fumes / mist. For water-based coolant fumes / mist single -pass filtration extractors work satisfactorily.

The installation was carried out using our FumeKiller® model FK6000/5hp mounted on a low MS angle stand with a large oil collector tank below the stand. MS ducting was mounted above the row of CNC machines with droppers to connect individual CNC machines. Last- mile connections were provided using PVC flexible hose. Even though our standard FumeKiller® model FK6000/5hp uses a 3HP motor to drive the suction fan, in this case we used a 5HP driven suction fan to provide higher static pressure because of the length of ducting involved.  

It was found that for a 2-shift operation, the filters within the oil mist collector filtered the pollutants for 4 weeks before getting choked. The cleaning cycle for the filters was established at 4 weeks. Just before getting fully choked, the filter module as well as the prefilters and postfilters are removed and cleaned using pressure water pump at about 110bar pressure. The filters are dried using a compressed air jet and repositioned inside the fume extractor. Adequate training was given to the maintenance technicians to handle the equipment. All safety features were explained and demonstrated. The equipment was found to be working satisfactorily.

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MistKiller™ – Your one stop solution for mist control from water-based coolant

Ever wondered what harm a water-based coolant does to the people on your shopfloor?

A lot of people believe that using a water-based coolant is less harmful than using oil-based coolants.

On the contrary, even water-based coolants use soluble oils to ensure the longevity of the tool life (corrosion resistance, high friction resistance etc.). One characteristic of the commonly used water-based coolant is that they provide an ideal medium for microbial growth with consequent biological contaminants.

Knowing the risk of releasing contaminants into your immediate environment, would you still consider releasing the water-based coolant mist on the shop floor or the immediate outside environment?

Now that you’re aware of the harm it causes, we hope that’s surely not the case!

Introducing to you Powertech’s MistKiller™ unit – Your one stop solution for mist generated from water-based coolants.

Using the simple technique of centrifugal force, this mist collector unit incorporates a pre filter and post filter to ensure efficient filtration of the water-based coolant mist before releasing it into air. The air released is about 80%-90% clean which means there is a substantial reduction of pollutant in the mist.

The centrifugal force inside the unit, condenses the mist to liquid which can be routed back to your machine for re-use by means of a drain pipe.

Pre-filters in the form of Aluminum Mesh and Post Filters in the form of Foam Mesh provide excellent filtration and also are washable and re-usable.

What you get with our MistKiller™ is – 1 unit, 3 major benefits:

  1. Filtration of mist at the mist generation source.
  2. Coolant retrieval for re-use
  3. No replaceable cost of filters as these can be just washed and re-used

Are you in need of a mist collector to capture and control water-based coolant mist from CNC machining operations? Get in Touch with us today and we will work with you to provide the best possible solution for your specific requirements.

mist killer

Different Types of Mist Collectors and Their Applications

In industrial settings where machining, grinding, or cutting operations occur, the generation of mist and aerosol contaminants is common. These airborne particles can pose health risks to workers and lead to declining air quality within the facility. Mist collectors are specialized devices designed to remove mist, aerosols, and other fine particles from the air, ensuring a cleaner and safer working environment. This article provides an overview of the different types of mist collectors available and their specific applications.

Centrifugal Mist Collectors
Centrifugal mist collectors, also known as inertial separators, utilize the principles of centrifugal force to separate mist particles from the air. This type of mist collector is commonly employed in various industries due to its efficiency and versatility.

1. Principle of Operation:

Centrifugal mist collectors direct the contaminated air through a series of baffles or vanes. As the air enters the mist collector, the centrifugal force causes the mist particles to move toward the outer walls of the collector. The separated mist drains into a collection reservoir, while the cleaned air is discharged back into the environment.

2. Applications:

Centrifugal mist collectors effectively remove coolant mist, and other water-based mists. They are commonly used in metalworking operations, such as machining centers, grinding machines, and parts washers. Centrifugal mist collectors are also suitable for applications involving the production of fine powders and dust particles.

Electrostatic Precipitators
Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are mist collectors that employ an electrostatic charge to remove mist particles from the air. They are particularly effective in capturing submicron particles and are widely used in industries with stringent air quality requirements.

1. Principle of Operation:

Electrostatic precipitators use an ionization process to charge the mist particles as they pass through an ionization section. The charged particles are then attracted to oppositely charged collection plates or tubes, where they adhere and are subsequently removed from the air. The cleaned air is discharged back into the workspace.

2. Applications:

Electrostatic precipitators are suitable for oil mist, smoke, and fine particulate matter applications. They are commonly used in metalworking, chemical processing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. ESPs are highly efficient in removing hazardous contaminants and maintaining a clean and safe working environment.

Key Points

Here are three key points to consider when choosing the right mist collector for your specific application:

1. Airflow and Filtration Efficiency:

Different mist collectors have varying airflow capacities and filtration efficiencies. It is important to assess the volume of mist generated in your facility and select a mist collector that can effectively handle the anticipated airflow while providing the desired level of filtration efficiency.

2. Maintenance and Serviceability:

Regular maintenance is crucial for the optimal performance of mist collectors. Consider the ease of maintenance and availability of replacement filters when selecting a mist collector. Additionally, ensure that the mist collector’s design allows easy access and cleaning to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.

3. Compatibility with Applications:

Different mist collectors are designed to handle specific mist types, aerosols, or particulate matter. Assess the nature of the contaminants in your application and choose a mist collector that is specifically suited to handle those contaminants effectively.


Mist collectors play a vital role in maintaining a clean and safe working environment by removing mist, aerosols, and fine particles generated during industrial processes. Understanding the different types of mist collectors available, such as centrifugal and electrostatic precipitators, is essential in choosing the right solution for your specific application.

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Protect Your Workplace with High-Quality Mist Collectors

Workers are exposed to various harmful substances and pollutants in any industrial or manufacturing environment, including mist and fumes. These substances can lead to serious health issues if not adequately controlled. It is where most collectors come in, as they are designed to remove mist and other airborne pollutants from the workplace, thus ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.

Powertech Pollution Controls is a leading manufacturer of high-quality mist collectors designed to capture mist and fumes from various industrial processes effectively. These mist collectors are equipped with advanced technology that ensures optimal performance, making them an ideal choice for businesses looking to protect their employees and comply with health and safety regulations.

This article will explore the importance of using high-quality mist collectors in the workplace and highlight the benefits of choosing Powertech Pollution Controls top-performing mist collectors. With the right equipment, businesses can ensure a safe and healthy work environment and protect their employees from the harmful effects of mist and other pollutants.

The Need for Mist Collectors

Mist is a common byproduct of many industrial processes, such as machining, welding, and metalworking. The mist is produced when the fluid used in these processes is atomized into tiny droplets, which can become airborne and pose a severe health hazard to workers. Mist exposure can lead to various health problems, including respiratory issues and skin irritation.

To protect workers from these hazards, regulatory agencies worldwide require employers to implement measures to control mist in the workplace. It includes mist collectors, which are designed to capture and filter out mist before it can be released into the air. By using high-quality mist collectors from Powertech Pollution Controls, employers can ensure a safer workplace for their employees and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Powertech India’s High-Quality Mist Collectors

Powertech Pollution Controls offers a range of high-quality mist collectors designed to remove mist particles from the air in industrial settings effectively. These mist collectors are equipped with advanced filtration systems that ensure high filtration efficiency and maximum worker protection. They are also built to withstand harsh operating conditions, making them durable and reliable for industrial workplaces. With features like easy maintenance and low operating costs, Powertech Pollution Controls mist collectors are an ideal choice for any workplace looking to improve air quality and protect its workers from the hazards of mist exposure.

Benefits of Using Powertech India’s Mist Collectors

When choosing a mist collector, there are several factors to consider:

  • It’s important to determine the airflow capacity required for your workplace, as this will affect the efficiency of the mist collector.
  • Filtration efficiency is also a key factor, as it determines the ability of the collector to remove mist particles from the air.
  • The maintenance and operating costs of the collector should also be considered, as this will impact the long-term affordability and sustainability of the mist collector.
  • By considering these factors, businesses can ensure they choose a mist collector that meets their needs and provides optimal protection for their employees and workplace.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mist Collector

When selecting a mist collector, there are several important factors to consider. One of the key factors is the airflow capacity, which determines the amount of mist the collector can effectively remove from the air. The filtration efficiency is also critical, as it impacts the quality of air in the workplace and employees’ health. Additionally, maintenance and operating costs should be evaluated to ensure the mist collector is cost-effective and easy to maintain. Overall, considering these factors can help ensure that the selected mist collector is effective, efficient, and meets the workplace’s specific needs.


In conclusion, investing in high-quality mist collectors is essential for protecting the health and safety of employees in industrial workplaces. Powertech Pollution Controls range of mist collectors offers reliable and efficient solutions for controlling mist and improving air quality. Don’t compromise on workplace safety – choose Powertech Pollution Controls mist collectors for your industrial needs. Explore their range today to find the perfect mist collector for your workplace.

If you want more information or want to buy a mist collector, you can visit the following site: